Your Chiropractor in Virginia Beach, VA

We are proud to offer our community the fastest growing and safest drug-free healing profession in America.  Every health professional knows that the nervous system controls and coordinates every single muscle, bone, joint, organ and cell in the body.  Knowing this medical fact and understanding that subluxations (spinal misalignments) can cause pain and/or poor health makes chiropractic care the clear choice for living not only a pain free, but healthier and more vibrant life!

Chiropractic care is growing faster then ever, and it is no surprise that millions have switched to the healthy and safe alternative to the dangerous side effects of prescription drugs.  Numerous medical studies have shown that Chiropractic care is safe, effective and more cost effective then traditional approaches.

We have multiple doctors and a variety of specialties and techniques.  We believe everyone deserves optimal health and are proud to offer massage therapy and nutritional counseling to serve you better.


757-431-2225   |   397 Little Neck Road, Building 3400 Suite 108, Virginia Beach, VA 23452

Health Articles

Positive Health Outcomes for a Child Diagnosed with ADHD Following Chiropractic
Positive Health Outcomes for a Child Diagnosed with ADHD Following Chiropractic
The Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health Chiropractic published the results of a case study on March 1, 2024, documenting the positive health outcomes from chiropractic care for a child who had been diagnosed with ADHD. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control describes Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity . . .
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Infant with Neurological Problems Who Could Not Lift Head Helped by Chiropractic
Infant with Neurological Problems Who Could Not Lift Head Helped by Chiropractic
The third quarter of 2024 issue of the Asian Pacific Chiropractic Journal documented a case study showing chiropractic helping an infant who could not lift her head up, retained primitive reflexes, and was behind in developmental benchmarks. . . .
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Chronic Insomnia Helped Under Chiropractic Care
Chronic Insomnia Helped Under Chiropractic Care
The June 3, 2024, issue of the Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research published the results of a case study documenting the resolution of chronic insomnia in a patient who received chiropractic care. . . .
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Spondylolistheses, Low Back Pain, and Urinary Function Helped by Chiropractic
Spondylolistheses, Low Back Pain, and Urinary Function Helped by Chiropractic
The Journal of Clinical Medicine published the results of a study on March 30, 2024, that showed chiropractic helping three patients who had health issues resulting from spondylolistheses. According to the National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information, "Spondylolisthesis . . .
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Sunday closed
Monday 8:30am - 12pm
1:30pm - 5:30pm
Tuesday 1:30pm - 5:30pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 12pm
1:30pm - 5:30pm
Thursday 8:30am - 12pm
1:30pm - 5:30pm
Friday Closed
Saturday 9am - 11am
(One Saturday a month by appointment only)

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